Top X things that a technical project manager should do to ensure process?

What exactly is a PM and why is it almost necessary to have a PM in order to run a business successfully. This statement is exactly what this article is going to be about
PM – also known as Project Managers are one of the most significant people required for a business or a setup to be successful. They are the genius minds behind the execution of ideas, planning, controlling, and developing new projects.
The word Project Manager is self explanatory as well. They are responsible for the resources, development, success, or failure of any project within a business hence their roles and responsibilities are vast.
They make the goals of a project as their own and use their expertise and skills to attain fulfillment in those goals.
Project Managers are crucial in almost all organizations because of their role and expertise.
They play an extremely significant role in the success of an initiative hence it is mandatory for a PM to possess several skills for efficiency and accuracy.
There can be a basic idea on how to go about the project, however there will be a lack of accurate execution and directions hence the significance of a PM is pretty much definite in this case.
Roles of a project manager
Without proper assistance on how to handle projects and tasks, team members can easily mess up things that can lead to trouble. This explains the importance of a PM. Below mentioned are a few roles that a project manager has to play in organizations:
These skills include; leadership, negotiation, scheduling, risk management, budget control, effective communication, critical thinking, quality control and task management. These skills along with the importance of project managers will be further elaborated and discussed later in the article.
A lot of people reading this article will wonder; “Why is a PM important? Can’t the existing team manage the tasks?”
In reality, running an organization without project management is literally harmful for the economy. In order for a full potential economy, the role of a project manager is extremely necessary.
Without a PM, who is responsible for the ups and downs, budgets, development, deadlines, leadership and the list goes on, no project can reach its full potential.
1. Analyzing potential risks
It is understood that there are a few risks associated with the development of a new project. However, an efficient PM can analyze the risks associated with a project beforehand and can better manage the project to avoid risks.
This is a skill and a role that is dependent upon the expertise of a project manager hence organizations will have to work on this to avoid larger losses in future.
Good project managers intuitively evaluate and analyze risks before the start of a project to minimize the effect and impact of those risks on the organization and its projects.
2. Monitoring Progress
In order for a project to go successful, there has to be proper assistance and monitoring. The PM of an organization is also responsible for evaluating the progress of the project in terms of team performance, budgets, outcomes, and other factors that are related.
The path linked to a successful project is loaded with certain hurdles and problems. To overcome these, the supervision of a PM becomes necessary since they administer the situation to solve it effectively with persistence and efficiency.
3. Conflict Resolution
Supervision of a project will also require the PM to help resolve any internal or external conflicts that can arise within an organization. Conflict resolution is one of the core responsibilities and roles of a project manager.
The efficiency and output of a project will highly depend upon this factor since it can hinder the growth and development. Therefore in order for a project to develop consistently, there has to be a PM that can take care of any conflict that arises.
These conflicts can be regarding finances, resources, deadlines, speed, development and anything else that can cause disturbances within the organization or outside it.
4. Costing and budgeting
Evaluation of the cost of any project before it starts is one of the foremost and the most significant pre-steps to take prior to the start.
A project manager has the expertise and the skill to evaluate the costs and analyze the budgets and resources of the project according to the organization. This role will ensure that the organization goes ahead with the project smoothly without any financial abruptions.
It will be the duty of a PM to keep the project within the set budget hence it will also be easier and firmer for the organization to plan projects because of the certainty of a PM.
5. Motivation and Leadership
The presence of a project manager within the organization will be a great way to motivate and encourage the team members to attain a better result. The PM is also responsible for the leadership of a project since they are the ones in-charge of it.
The encouragement and the leadership if done effectively and optimistically can be a step towards a progressive project and outcome hence the satisfaction, motivation, and encouragement of team members by a PM are an effective way to go about it.
A project manager will not rely on boring excel sheets to excel (pun intended) but he will stimulate motivation in employees through a clear and direct plan to make it easier and achievable.
6. Analyzing and planning resources
Planning. Everything great always starts with an extensive, in-depth, and researched planning. This is the case for projects within organizations as well. They require specific and detailed planning of projects for better results and progress.
Projects can be successes and failures entirely based on the sort of planning and analyzing done in its regard. Project managers possess the skill of planning effectively hence it is a prized role and responsibility expected from them.
A good pm will exactly know how to achieve outcomes with realistic planning, time estimates, resource analysis and effective budgeting. These skills become a reason for the significance of a pm in organizations and their projects.
7. Ensuring satisfaction
Realistically speaking; the success of a project depends upon the satisfaction of clients and organizations. This is something that a pm is responsible for.
They statically design and implement the project in a way that will ensure the satisfaction of the end consumer. This is ensured during the process for efficiency and validity regarding the project. This role of a PM is crucial since it will determine the ultimate success or failure of a project.
Project managers will also ensure that the organization/client is thoroughly indulged in the planning of a project since the outcome of the project will benefit them.
8. Quality analysis and control
Another significant factor to determine a client’s satisfaction and a project’s success is the quality of work and resources used throughout the development.
A project manager has to thoroughly keep in control the quality measures of the material, resources, services, and other factors that will determine the final output therefore the PM has to have this expertise and skill.
They will also ensure that the project is being developed further as per the organization’s requirements and budgets. It is also important for them to make sure that the project meets the user’s needs – the initial goal.
The quality analysis of a project is better determined by a PM since they are the ones to have an in-depth research regarding the project hence their guidance throughout will be responsible for the success of projects.
9. Decision making
Project managers also have the important role of making decisions (internal and external) regarding the project. They have to choose the resources as well as assign deadlines and time estimates.
Moreover, the role of a project manager will also require him to suggest and advise the client regarding what will work and what will not. Since project managers have a relevant expertise, they will be able to guide them better from a technical and practical perspective.
Making decisions is not as easy and certain as it sounds. A project manager will have to have a great hold over decision making since they will be responsible for significant decisions within the project as well.
The decisions that have to be taken by a PM will include; financing, resourcing, budgeting, timings, technical feasibility and almost anything associated with decision making during the project.
10. Effective Communication
A project manager is responsible for an entire project that requires social, in-person, and other types of communication for desired results and efficiency.
They should have the expertise to communicate with people through formal forums as well as within an organization for motivation and leadership for the team members.
They will also have to effectively communicate with the people within the project for a better understanding and a quicker outcome.
Skills of a good technical Project Manager
A very significant subset of a project manager is a technical project manager. As our society is progressing towards modernity, the need of a TPM is increasing. They have a specialist opinion and will be able to guide clients/organizations better.
Let’s discuss a couple of skills and roles that a technical project manager possesses and the effect of these skills on the overall project and its performance. Technical project managers should have all the skills of a regular project manager along with a few that will qualify them as experts in the tech world. They are tech savvy as well as organized hence the word. “technical project managers”.
Technical Expertise
This was rather definite and obvious. A technical project manager obviously has to have a vast expertise in technology and relevant sectors.
This is also the foremost factor that distinguishes a PM and a TPM. What exactly is Technical Expertise? He has to be a coder to have technical know-how and understanding. He needs to have detailed knowledge of project management softwares and relevant aspects in order to help the project be a hit!
This skill will also scrutinize the pros and cons of a project for better technical analysis as a progressive and practical approach.
In order to communicate effectively with the analysts, workers, suppliers, programmers and developers; PM’s need to have sufficient knowledge regarding IT and ample relevant experience for better administration and supervision.
Balance between technical and general aspects of the project
Another thing that we tend to ignore in most cases is a proper balance between the project and the technical aspect. TPM’s cannot make the project entirely technical since a general practical aspect of it also has to be considered for better effects.
TPM’s cannot continue focusing “just” on the technical issues. They will have to consider the bigger picture as well. Yes, projects within organizations are beyond just technology. There is a lot more to consider.
It should not be forgotten that there is still a “Project Manager” attached with your title. You are a TPM, not a technical resource. This fine line between these two terms is often blurred out.
Effective Communication
If you are wondering why this skill is being repeated, the next few lines will answer your concern.
A project manager is supposed to work with a team of workers, developers, suppliers, and the list goes on. Hence it is important for them to have effective communication for a better understanding.
A technical project manager will be required to communicate with the entire team in technical as well as non-technical terms. A non-tech supplier will not understand a high-tech coded language therefore a TPM needs to have the ability to communicate wisely according to the situation.
This sounds as a basic skill however if we consider situations practically, this is an extremely important factor to consider in terms of project management.
TPM’s are supposed to report the progress and updates to the shareholders, directors, and other people in non-technical language with extreme clarity.
A couple of roles and responsibilities of a tech project manager are listed below:
- Train and implement their expertise and knowledge on other technical staff members of the organization for better results and effects.
- Determine and decide fixed and specific jobs and tasks for all members that are a part of the project for a seamless journey.
- Evaluate technical softwares and machinery for weighing the possible pros and cons of a project for maximum efficiency and reliability.
- Recruit staff with a relevant expertise and knowledge in the technical department for an effective work flow and output.
- Update and maintain all project technologies and documentation within the organization regarding the project.
These roles and requirements are specifically for a technical project manager. They are responsible for these roles as well as the basic roles of a PM as mentioned above in the article. Well, there cannot be a TPM without proper leadership and quality control anyway.
On the whole, the position of a PM or a TPM is significant and irreplaceable in organizations. For a focused direction and implementation, a professional project manager is required since they will ensure the success of the organization overall.